Teleflora Winter's Eve Centerpiece
Make the winter's eve table shine with this festive candlelit centerpiece of radiant red roses and winter greens, artfully arranged. Deluxe and Premium use more roses for a bigger splash. Bowl will vary. Please note: Due to present...
Teleflora Snowy Night Bouquet
Give Christmas a charmingly contemporary spin with lush red and white roses in a dazzling glass cube. With a merrily moderate price tag, it makes the perfect gift for all the people on your list - naughty or nice. The impressive bouquet includes...
Sweet Nothings Bouquet
Dazzle your loved ones with stunning violet and green hues set within a glass cylinder vase. A collection of roses, daisies and statice, our Sweet Nothings Bouquet sends sweet sentiment deep within each bloom. Please note: Due to present circumstances,...
Exquisite Beauty by Teleflora
This exquisite mix of blooms is like a breath of fresh air! Sweet pinks and purples are contrasted with a modern burst of fresh green hydrangea, and finished off with a pretty lavender cube vase lined with a tropical aspidistra leaf. It's a fun...
Everlasting Lavender
Does someone you know love the colour purple? If so, they’ll love this enchanting bouquet of fresh flowers in royal hues of lavender, lilac and violet, all dressed up with a purple satin bow! It's a charming way to display your affection at...
Precious Heart Bouquet
The Precious Heart Bouquet by FTD® is a blushing display of loving kindness. Fuchsia roses are sweetly stunning amongst red matsumoto asters, pink mini carnations and lush greens. Arranged in a classic clear glass vase, this bouquet boasts pink...
Teleflora's Romanced By Roses Bouquet
An elegant Valentine's Day delight, this romantic, diamond-cut glass vase is the prettiest shade of pink--the perfect complement for ravishing red roses and pink lilies. This bouquet features red roses, pink asiatic lilies, red carnations,...
Teleflora Heart Shine Bouquet
Send a truly enchanting gift this Valentine's Day with this delicate red rose bouquet, presented in a swirling ceramic vase with sparkling metallic finish. This lovely arrangement features red roses, white alstroemeria, miniature red...
FTD Be Mine Bouquet
Treat your better half to an arrangement filled with blushing blooms and stunning texture. In our Be My Beloved™ Bouquet, you'll find it's overflowing with spray roses, carnations, alstroemeria and lots of love. With a classic Valentine's color...
Candy Cane Christmas
Take a walk through a candy cane forest with this fun, festive basket! This Christmas floral arrangement stars unique peppermint carnations and edible candy canes amongst fragrant fir, pinecones and berries. It's an easy way to send the Christmas spirit...
Teleflora Merry Beautiful Bouquet
So very merry! Spread holiday cheer far and near with this festive mix of classic Christmas roses, winter forest greens and sparkling golden ornaments. This festive mix includes red roses, white cushion spray chrysanthemums, red carnations, white pine,...
Snowy Woods Bouquet
Give the gift of modern winter-white style with this breathtaking bouquet, hand-arranged in a chic cube, which may vary. This winter bouquet includes white hydrangea, white roses, white asiatic lilies, magnolia leaves, seeded eucalyptus, spiral...
Teleflora's Silver And Snowflakes Bouquet
Pure winter wonder! Crimson carnations and red berries bring a festive touch to the snowy blooms of this lush holiday bouquet. Our magnificent silver vase makes this a gift to remember!Red carnations, white alstroemeria and white cushion chrysanthemums...
Teleflora Liquid Lavendar Bouquet
Turn up the glam this Mother's Day with this magnificent mirrored cube, bursting with a lush bouquet of lavender roses and purple mums! Its silky finish and peaceful waves are sure to enthrall her. Light pink miniature carnations, burgundy...
FTD Best Day Bouquet
Make this day their best day. Our local florist handcraft a colorful array of flowers in a clear glass vase to create a celebration in bloom. Perfect to give for a special reason or to simply share a smile. Please note: Due to present circumstances, some...
Double Dozen Pink and Red Roses
Because your loved one deserves a gift twice as romantic, send two dozen long-stem pink and red roses, a fresh and fabulous bouquet beautifully arranged by our select florists in a classic glass vase. Simply unforgettable. Please note: Due to present...
A Dozen White Elegance Roses
Long-stem red roses are just the gift for the one you can trust, the one you can turn to, the one who loves you above all else and knows your heart inside out. Give the ultimate expression of romance with this stunning, hand-crafted arrangement of...
FTD You're Precious Bouquet
Handcrafted and inspired by the gorgeous hues of the season, the You're Precious™ Bouquet is full of sweet sentiment for your favorite person. Hot pink roses, red carnations, pink alstroemeria, and pale pink carnations come together in a clear...
Bed of Pink Roses Urn Surround Wreath
Surrounded by roses, enveloped in love - a sumptuous pink rose wreath of light and dark hues serves as a stunning memorial.Features thirty five light and hot pink roses with trailing stems of lush green ivy.Please note: Arrangement does not include...
Meadows of Memories Urn Surround
As you come together to share your memories, these assorted purple flowers cradle the urn in a loving embrace. The soft greens and soothing purples are ideal to grace a memorial service.Includes lovely flowers such as lavender larkspur, roses,...
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