Teleflora Liquid Lavendar Bouquet
Turn up the glam this Mother's Day with this magnificent mirrored cube, bursting with a lush bouquet of lavender roses and purple mums! Its silky finish and peaceful waves are sure to enthrall her. Light pink miniature carnations, burgundy...
Precious Heart Bouquet
The Precious Heart Bouquet by FTD® is a blushing display of loving kindness. Fuchsia roses are sweetly stunning amongst red matsumoto asters, pink mini carnations and lush greens. Arranged in a classic clear glass vase, this bouquet boasts pink...
Everlasting Lavender
Does someone you know love the colour purple? If so, they’ll love this enchanting bouquet of fresh flowers in royal hues of lavender, lilac and violet, all dressed up with a purple satin bow! It's a charming way to display your affection at...
Exquisite Beauty by Teleflora
This exquisite mix of blooms is like a breath of fresh air! Sweet pinks and purples are contrasted with a modern burst of fresh green hydrangea, and finished off with a pretty lavender cube vase lined with a tropical aspidistra leaf. It's a fun...
Roses Roses Roses - 100 of them
How much do you love them? 100 Times Infinity? How about 100 lovely Long Stem South American Beauties, lush and lavishly arranged in a Clear Vase. That's how one REALLY spells LOVE with Flowers! Fancy and Deluxe will include more...
Isle of White
Like a vacation for the senses, this lovely bouquet delivers an oasis of beauty and elegance. Soothing, serene and very special. Crème roses, white asiatic lilies and stock stem are incredibly arranged in a bubble vase. When it comes...
Teleflora Sophisticated Love Bouquet
Give Valentine's Day or Mother's Day a dramatic twist with this romantic, swirling glass vase. Its ruby red ombre hue is the perfect complement for ravishing red roses and pink alstroemeria. white cushion spray chrysanthemums, and red carnations are...
Make Me Blush
It's fun to be flirty! Send 18 roses to the one you love and she just might make you blush. Especially if the roses in question are this gorgeous! This arrangement is sweet and innocent as can be. Of course, it's a bit sassy and a whole lot thoughtful,...
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