Poinsettia White
Nothing says Christmas like a poinsettia! A unique twist on the traditional Christmas plant, send this white poinsettia as a holiday gift - or keep it for yourself as Christmas decor! Deluxe and Premium are larger plants for a more...
Poinsettia Basket Double
For a great Christmas Splash - Two Long Lasting Poinsettias in a Peanut Basket for an impressive gift that will last all season. Color choices of Red, Pink, White or mixed can be specified in Special instructions on the order page.
Christmas Spirit Bouquet
Whether you're sending season greeting's from across the country or welcoming guest to your home, our Christmas Spirit Bouquet shares every message of warmth and cheer. Filled with a collection of white lilies, red roses, red hypericum berries and white...
FTD Gift of Joy Bouquet
Delight your loved ones with a gift that is handcrafted for just for them. Our Gift of Joy Bouquet features red roses, white cushion pompon and red carnations set in a red vase with shimmering snowflake detail, ribbon accent and completed with a shining...
Teleflora's Silver And Snowflakes Bouquet
Pure winter wonder! Crimson carnations and red berries bring a festive touch to the snowy blooms of this lush holiday bouquet. Our magnificent silver vase makes this a gift to remember!Red carnations, white alstroemeria and white cushion chrysanthemums...
Snowy Woods Bouquet
Give the gift of modern winter-white style with this breathtaking bouquet, hand-arranged in a chic cube, which may vary. This winter bouquet includes white hydrangea, white roses, white asiatic lilies, magnolia leaves, seeded eucalyptus, spiral...
Teleflora Merry Beautiful Bouquet
So very merry! Spread holiday cheer far and near with this festive mix of classic Christmas roses, winter forest greens and sparkling golden ornaments. This festive mix includes red roses, white cushion spray chrysanthemums, red carnations, white pine,...
Candy Cane Christmas
Take a walk through a candy cane forest with this fun, festive basket! This Christmas floral arrangement stars unique peppermint carnations and edible candy canes amongst fragrant fir, pinecones and berries. It's an easy way to send the Christmas spirit...
Teleflora Snowy Night Bouquet
Give Christmas a charmingly contemporary spin with lush red and white roses in a dazzling glass cube. With a merrily moderate price tag, it makes the perfect gift for all the people on your list - naughty or nice. The impressive bouquet includes...
Teleflora Winter's Eve Centerpiece
Make the winter's eve table shine with this festive candlelit centerpiece of radiant red roses and winter greens, artfully arranged. Deluxe and Premium use more roses for a bigger splash. Bowl will vary. Please note: Due to present...
Winter White Lilies
A tall vase of Oriental lilies is on everyone’s holiday list. This breathtaking bouquet is elegant and classic looking with large white lilies in a tall vase! Please note: Due to present circumstances, some substitutions must be allowed. We will...
A Wonderous Winter Bouquet
Send them the wonders of winter with beautiful red roses, snow white lilies and fresh winter greens arranged in an elegant and unique glass vase. Red roses, white asiatic lilies and white button chrysanthemums are accented with fresh flat...
Yuletide Greetings from Teleflora
If you're going to a holiday party, thank your hostess or host ahead of time by sending this enchanting bouquet in a timeless matte red vase. You'll be assured of a warm welcome! Red roses and carnations, green button chrysanthemums and...
A Christmas Dozen
Dazzling and delightful. A dozen red roses make a dashing holiday gift, especially when they are arranged with brilliant holiday touches and delivered in a ruby red vase. Twelve beautiful rose blossoms mix with salal, eucalyptus and golden...
Teleflora Holiday Shine Bouquet
Give the gift of holiday style with this mix of Christmas crimson and winter white blooms, all wrapped up with a festive plaid ribbon in a classic ginger jar. This bold bouquet includes red carnations, red miniature carnations, white cushion...
Teleflora Festive Pines Bouquet
Bursting with Christmas spirit, this lush rose bouquet is accented with candy canes and pine cones for a touch of festive fun. Red roses, white snapdragons, and white cushion spray chrysanthemums are wrapped in a variegated aspidistra leaf and...
Bon Vivant Gourmet Basket
Life really can be a picnic for whoever is lucky enough to receive this tasteful basket. Overflowing with deliciousness, it's perfect for a party or a delightful day at the park! Please note: Due to present circumstances, some substitutions must be...
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