Amazing Autumn
Autum.n is an awesome season and it's meant to be celebrated in style. The Teleflora Amazing Autumn Bouquet is a stunning celebration of the rich, warm hues of fall. This beautiful arrangement features a mix of orange and dark orange roses,...
Teleflora Warm Fall Wishes
Celebrate the beauty of fall with this colorful, heartwarming mix of roses and alstroemeria, hand-delivered in our classic ceramic pumpkin. Includes a lush mix of orange roses, orange alstroemeria, burgundy cushion chrysanthemums, yellow daisy...
Golden Days Basket
Send warm autumn sunshine to a special friend or relative with this golden gift basket of flowers. Yellow lilies and sunflowers make everyone smile! A dark, handled basket presents bright fall bouquet of yellow asiatic lilies, yellow sunflowers, gold...
So Pretty Bouquet
She may call this the prettiest bouquet she's ever received - for good reason. Soft yellow roses, white hydrangea and other favorites are beautifully arranged in a pretty vase, which will vary. No question about it, that is PRETTY! Please note: Due to...
Roses and Moonlight Bouquet
Lavender roses have never been more spectacularly presented than in this dazzling Silver Reflections vase. Certain to be an instant favorite, this lovely vase will remind her of you every time she uses it, which will be often.Vase may vary but will be...
Peaches and Dreams
The only thing sweeter than peaches and cream just might be this dreamy bouquet of delicious roses and tulips. Be a peach and send one today! Container will vary. Please note: Due to present circumstances, some substitutions must be allowed. We...
Island Dreams
Island dreams can come true no matter where you are if you're lucky enough to receive this delightful bouquet. It beautifully combines tropical flowers with greens and hand-delivers them in a dramatic cube vase. Please note: Due to present circumstances,...
Always Sunny
They'll be your sunshine for sure when they receive this brilliant bouquet of yellow flowers in a hurricane vase. There couldn't be a happier choice for your favorite people, or a happier price for you. Vase will vary. Please note: Due to present...
Heartfelt Bouquet
On an Anniversary, Birthday, or Valentine's Day, send her a gift that's heartfelt - and sure to set her heart aflutter! This dazzling mix of romantic red roses and fragrant, snow white lilies is hand-delivered in a beautiful cut glass vase keepsake...
Meet Me in Provence
With a beauty reminiscent of the south of France, this proud and pretty arrangement holds nothing back. The colors, the flowers and the feeling of Provence are all present and accounted for in this wonderful bouquet. Actual Vase may vary. Please...
Joy Forever
Wow! That's what they'll say when this explosion of color arrives at the front door. They'll love the flowers, the clear glass vase - and you for having such exciting taste. A win-win for everybody! Vase will vary. Please note: Due to present...
So Enchanting Bouquet
Turn an ordinary day into an enchanting daydream by sending her this magical bouquet! This stunning bouquet of rich red roses and magnificent pink lilies pampers her senses, refreshes her spirit and shows her how much you really care. Please note: Due to...
Say It With Sunshine
Say it with sweetness. Say it with flowers. Say it with sunshine. A bouquet this brilliant can deliver almost any sentiment - birthday, congratulations, thinking of you... you name it. When you want to say something beautifully, this bouquet beckons...
Fly Away Birthday Bouquet
Make birthday spirits soar by sending this fabulously fun birthday bouquet and balloon. Bright primary colors make it perfect for guys and gals. Years may fly by but that doesn't mean birthday celebrations need to! Please note: Due to present...
Dazzling Day Bouquet
Dazzle someone on their special day with a balloon-festooned bouquet. Delightful blossoms and a shiny birthday balloon are sure to make their day!Actual vase may very. Please note: Due to present circumstances, some substitutions must be allowed. We will...
Love Forever Bouquet
Tickle her heart with this flirtatious mix of romantic roses, tulips and abundant pink lisianthus. This deluxe bouquet is arranged our elegant Silver Reflections vase. It's a vase she's sure to hold on to - and it'll always remind her of you. Please...
Artfully Yours Bouquet
Sweep her off her feet, say Happy Birthday, or simply brighten an ordinary day with the breathtaking beauty of this luxurious arrangement. Hand-delivered in a gorgeous pink glass vase, this mix of hydrangea, roses, lilies and gerberas is a gift she'll...
Always a Lady
A romantic gift like this one is always appreciated. An eye-catching display of roses and lilies is perfectly arranged in a feminine vase which makes a beautiful and lasting impression. Please note: Due to present circumstances, some substitutions must...
Seaside Oasis
For those times when we just can't get away, we can at least hope that someone sends us this beautiful seaside oasis. At home or the office, it offers a delightful getaway. Please note: Due to present circumstances, some substitutions must be allowed...
Touch of Gold
No matter how sophisticated their taste, they'll be thrilled with this gift of white roses and lilies in a sparkling golden Jardiniere vase, or similar container. A designer might call it shockingly chic. You'll be shocked at the sensible price tag...
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